Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay on Media Ethics and Their Relation to Business

Media Ethics and Their Relation to Business In this world, there is an obvious connection between the media and its involvement in business ethics. No matter what the form of media looked at, they all have the ability of being either an aid to business’s success or a detriment. The press and the media are responsible for reporting news, issues and events as clearly as possible. Any distortions can cause the message being sent to be misinterpreted or completely wrong. News organizations are given a responsibility of representing the public interest. In order to gain the public’s trust, such broadcasters are required to work within the parameters of ethical and responsible new casting. No matter what the issue, company or news†¦show more content†¦Names in the business world that are known to be accurate and reliable include CNN, CSPAN, local news stations such as CBS, NBC, ABC etc. Those who watch the business world closely are more inclined to go to reliable sources for their information. What is reported on these stations are considered as true based mainly on their past records. But when the occasion does arise, where the media goes about treating a business, or situation in an unethical manner many problems arise. In order to understand this type of situation clearly, it is good to look at actual examples where the media ethics become involved in communicating or the miscommunication of a business. Many recent problems in the media world are being attributed to the advances in technology. Although these advances are great and making life easier, things are being done so quickly that many important steps are being forgotten. In the rush to present a story first, many journalists are forgetting to be accurate and balanced in their covered stories. The pressures of live broadcast are requiring journalists to focus on a new set of questions in order to check and be sure the position and format in which they present their story is clear of any unethical issues. A committee known as SPJ is focused on the ethics of journalism in all forms of media and claims â€Å"The SPJ Code of Ethics encourages journalists to minimize harm by recognizing thatShow MoreRelatedF Williams MKTG340 U2IP Essay1438 Words   |  6 Pages Unit  2  Individual  Project  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  2 Abstract In  today’s  media  society  journalist  and  marketing  public  relations  professionals  are  very   comparable  in  many  ways.  Both  jobs  involve  writing  Ã‚  and  collecting  information  so  it  can  be   edited  for  mass  media  play.  These  two  also  has  its  differences  one  relies  on  facts  while  the  other   collect  and  edit  data. 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